Saturday, March 27, 2010

The First Post

If the Last Post is associated with Anzac biscuits, I am going to associate this First Post with....Green cake!

This blog has been created:
- to make my ICT education authentic by creating my first blog, and;
- to share ideas about learning and teaching in preparation for becoming a learning manager.

Welcome to Food for Thought!


  1. Love the cake Samantha, I've got a 1 year olds birthday coming up in a couple of months and I'm starting to plan what to do... not because I'm an amazing cook but because I am so bad!! Got any suggestions?

  2. We seem to have something in common:-)

    Michael Prim F/T


  3. This photo is my niece's cake, so I don't really know much about one year old birthdays personally.
    I do have one idea though, my friend sent me a picture of some rainbow biscuits she made (your soon-to-be 1 year old might not yet be big enough to help roll them I guess). Basically you just separate the biscuit dough into three different piles and mix each pile separately with blue, yellow and pink colouring. Then a small piece of each colour is rolled and curved into a rainbow before cooking. Sound fun?

  4. Hi Michael,
    I had trouble accessing your blog - it seems to start up some insect repellent advertisement?!? I noted your title though - jinks! I honestly don't remember seeing yours before I created mine. I am just obsessed with food :) I also noticed today that Activity 6.6 in the pedagogical content knowledge course is about the same topic.
    Such intelligent minds all thinking alike! It reminds me of the Daniel Goleman video on Social Intelligence - " the key to social rapport is to pay full attention and let the social brains do their dance..."
